Today in math we began "Measuring Ourselves," an activity in which two partners use cubes to measure one another's body parts. For example, to measure Emilio's arm, Hunter connected cubes together along Emilio's arm until he got a cube stick of the right length. Then, Hunter counted the cubes. To double check, Emilio also counted the cubes. If their answers agreed, then Emilio would record the answer in his math book. Then they would do the same for Hunter's arm.
During the activity, we tried to keep some focus questions in mind. First, when you have a cube stick, does it matter if the cubes are connected or not?

In other words, is seven cubes connected together the same length as seven cubes NOT connected?
Second, when you count the cube stick starting from one direction, will you get the same answer as if you count it from the other direction?
We hope to discuss this further tomorrow. Happy Thursday!
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