Friday, April 9, 2010

How Many Days Til The Quabbin?

The kindergarten has been abuzz with energy today. With the art show, book fair, and spaghetti supper this week who can blame them? Today at math time we continued Measuring Ourselves and another activity called Inventory Bags. When we gathered at the end for discussion, we realized we had some counting to do. Since Wednesday kindergartners have been keeping track of how many days until our Quabbin field trip, using our calendar:

The green smiley face on the 12th is for our field trip. Here are the different answers for how many days until the Quabbin as of Wednesday (in blue). Check marks indicate additional agreeing votes for that number.

As of Thursday:

And Friday (today):

We've been counting days on the calendar throughout the school year, and children's answers get more and more interesting!

While we're on the subject of calendars, here is our daily schedule. Kindergartners depend on it every day to figure out what comes next, and what to expect during the day. Sometimes they notice mistakes better than the teachers!

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