Thursday, October 20, 2011

Some Requests

We need some back-up snacks in kindergarten for children who forget to bring their snack from home. We would appreciate donations of pretzels, goldfish crackers, graham crackers etc.

We would appreciate all children wearing shoes or sneakers to school and not sandals or flip-flops. Children are more prone to accidents on climbing equipment when they have footwear that does not provide support.

We plan to reinvigorate the Kindergarten Halloween Parade on Monday, October 31st. Children are invited to bring a costume to school. We will change into our costumes around 1:30 and ask to visit other classrooms in the early afternoon. Are there any volunteers for a simple snack that we could serve the children at the end of the day?

We will send out order forms for Scholastic Book Clubs early next week. You will be able to order books online if you are interested in some quality, less expensive books for your child.

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