Monday, September 6, 2010

We're Off and Running

Welcome to the start of new school year. The kindergartners are excited about school and more than ready for the challenge. We spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year learning routines that will make our year flow more smoothly.

We are concentrating on procedures like how to get our lunch in the cafeteria and how to clean it up. Not as easy as you'd think. The composting procedure alone is enough to confuse anyone! Luckily we have Mr. Mahler to help us.

In the classroom we are learning each other's names and are making new friends. We are learning how to use math materials and how to form a community of learners who can share math ideas. So far we have built lots of towers.

We played outside with the 6th graders on Friday and will soon be pairing up kindergartners and 6th graders as buddies for the year. This is an exciting friendship opportunity that benefits both children tremendously.

Beth McCoy is the paraprofessional in our classroom, whom we are delighted to welcome back to Shutesbury School, after the birth of her son who is now three, and the completion of her education degree. She is a warm and welcoming addition to our community.

We will be sending home a paper called Getting to Know Your Child in the next few days and would appreciate you taking the time to fill it out, as this will help us to understand your child better. I will also be calling you, as I enjoy letting you know how your child is adjusting to kindergarten.

Finally, I will be requesting permission to post pictures of children on the blog. As you can see from last year's blog, no children's names are used in captions, so your child will not be identified in photos. We have been practicing skills on pod casting and i movies this summer, so who knows what will happen on the blog this year!

Thank you very much for a supportive start to the school year. As always, our families arre what make Shutesbury such a wonderful place for children.

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