Monday, September 20, 2010

Caterpillars, Caterpillars!

Scarves and balls in phys ed with Mrs. Taylor this week.

Look for the portraits in our classroom that BZ had the children make in art last week. They studied their faces carefully as they put together collage materials. They are very cute.

We've had a busy week in kindergarten. We had our first lesson on the Smart Board. Children listened to The Very Hungry Caterpillar and named foods, counted fruits and ordered the days of the week. All on Smart Board.

We drew pictures of caterpillars and also made our own caterpillars with plasticine clay. Some kids chose to make caterpillars and some made chrysalises.

We have also been working on simple rhyming stories about butterflies where children fill in a word on every other page to complete a rhyme.

We are conducting surveys in math to collect data that we can talk about and continuing our counting jar books. We will have our first visit from Polly, our math coach this week.

We are adding new letters and new sounds every day. We plan to start building simple words this week using some of the sounds we have learned. We also began reading our first story, a book with no words.

Children were delighted to check out their first book in library this week.

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