We finished our unit on counting and comparing with many activities such as comparing names. Each child built a tower from the letters of his/her name and compared that to other children's names in the classroom. We also built towers out of handfuls of cubes and arranged these in order. A final activity was to draw four cards and arrange the numbers in order from smallest to largest.
We moved on to a unit on patterns, starting with a story called Ni Macho, I Am Eyes. With our attention focused on making careful observations of our surroundings, we took a walk around our school. Recently we read a story called The Sultan's Snakes, a book with many opportunities to find patterned snakes hidden in the pictures. We have been building patterns with cubes, pattern blocks and tiles. Today we each began our own snake, gluing a pattern onto a cardboard strip. We have also been building patterns on a pocket chart and figuring out what comes next. There are also picures of a game called What's Missing? a game where children have to figure out what has been removed from a tray of nine objects.
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